Japanese mayonnaise , often associated with the Kewpie brand, is known for its unique sweet and umami flavor. With its subtle balance of sweet, sour, and creamy, this sauce is a staple in Japanese cuisine. Learn how to make authentic homemade mayonnaise, perfect for your sushi, okonomiyaki, or everyday dishes.
Ingredients for Japanese Mayonnaise (Serves 4)
- Egg yolk : 1 (at room temperature)
- Dijon mustard : 5 g (about 1 teaspoon)
- Sugar : 2 g (about ½ teaspoon)
- Kombu-infused rice vinegar : 15 ml
(For the infusion: Cover a large leaf of kombu broken into pieces with rice vinegar.) - Neutral oil : 240 ml (canola or grape seed)
- Salt : To taste
Steps to Make Japanese Mayonnaise
1. Prepare the Base Mix
- In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolk, Dijon mustard and sugar until smooth.
- Add the kombu-infused rice vinegar to the mixture, continuing to whisk. This vinegar provides the acidity and umami characteristic of Japanese mayonnaise.
2. Emulsify with Oil
- While whisking, add the oil very slowly, in a thin stream. Start with a few drops to help the emulsion.
- Once the mixture starts to thicken, you can pour in the oil more quickly, but continuously.
- Continue whisking until all the oil is incorporated and the mayonnaise becomes thick and creamy.
3. Adjust the Seasoning
- Taste the mayonnaise and adjust the salt to your preference.
- You can add a little more sugar or vinegar to refine the taste according to your preferences.
4. Conservation
- Transfer the mayonnaise to a clean airtight container.
- Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days .
Tips for Making Successful Japanese Mayonnaise
- Successful emulsion: Make sure all ingredients, especially the egg yolk, are at room temperature.
- Kombu infusion: For more umami, let the kombu sit in the rice vinegar for several hours or even overnight before using.
- Quick alternative: Use an immersion blender for a quick and smooth emulsion.
Uses of Japanese Mayonnaise
- Sushi rolls : Add a drizzle of mayonnaise to your makis or temakis for a creamy taste.
- Okonomiyaki or Takoyaki : Drizzle with this to add an authentic Japanese touch.
- Burgers or sandwiches : Substitute classic mayonnaise for a unique flavor.
- Salads and Dips : Mix with soy sauce or yuzu to create salad dressings or dipping sauces.
FAQs about Japanese Mayonnaise
Why is Japanese mayonnaise different from regular mayonnaise?
It is milder, slightly sweet, and often contains rice vinegar, which gives it a subtle, umami taste.
Can you substitute kombu infused rice vinegar?
Yes, use regular rice vinegar, but the kombu infusion adds a characteristic umami.
How to prevent mayonnaise from curdling?
Add the oil very slowly at first and whisk constantly to maintain the emulsion.
A Creamy and Umami Sauce to Enjoy at Home
Homemade Japanese mayonnaise is easy to make and a tasty alternative to traditional mayonnaise. With its unique balance of flavors, it will enrich your dishes and bring you closer to authentic Japanese cuisine. Try this recipe today and enjoy the creaminess of this artisanal sauce!

Mayonnaise Japonaise Maison
- Jaune d'œuf : 1 à température ambiante
- Moutarde de Dijon : 5 g environ 1 cuillère à café
- Sucre : 2 g environ ½ cuillère à café
- Vinaigre de riz infusé au kombu : 15 ml
- Pour l'infusion : Couvrez une grande feuille de kombu cassée en morceaux avec du vinaigre de riz.
- Huile neutre : 240 ml canola ou pépins de raisin
- Sel : Au goût
Préparer le Mélange de Base
- Dans un bol, fouettez ensemble le jaune d'œuf, la moutarde de Dijon et le sucre jusqu’à obtenir une texture lisse.
- Ajoutez le vinaigre de riz infusé au kombu au mélange, en continuant de fouetter. Ce vinaigre apporte l'acidité et l'umami caractéristiques de la mayonnaise japonaise.
Émulsionner avec l’Huile
- Tout en fouettant, incorporez l’huile très lentement, en un mince filet. Commencez avec quelques gouttes pour favoriser l’émulsion.
- Une fois que le mélange commence à épaissir, vous pouvez verser l'huile plus rapidement, mais en continu.
- Continuez à fouetter jusqu’à ce que toute l'huile soit incorporée et que la mayonnaise devienne épaisse et crémeuse.
Ajuster l’Assaisonnement
- Goûtez la mayonnaise et ajustez le sel selon vos préférences.
- Vous pouvez ajouter un peu plus de sucre ou de vinaigre pour affiner le goût selon vos préférences.
- Transférez la mayonnaise dans un contenant hermétique propre.
- Conservez-la au réfrigérateur jusqu’à 5 jours.